Sponsor Our Program

Advertise in Our 2024 – 2025 Concert Program

Ads are included in all VOICES Chorus concerts plus concerts by our Cantari Ensemble!

Venues include: Moeser Auditorium at UNC-CH; Holy Trinity Lutheran Church; Chapel of the Cross, and University United Methodist Church all in Chapel Hill, NC.  Advertisers are asked to provide copy in the correct ratio of height and width (we can enlarge or reduce as required) that is reproducible by photographic copy in black and white.  Providing digital copy will ensure best results. The program will be approximately 8½ x 11. Previous program as an example.

Please complete the form below and present it with your check, made out to Voices, and print-ready copy to any Voices or Cantari member, or mail it to: Voices, PO Box 3011, Chapel Hill, NC 27515. Send digital ads to ads@voiceschapelhill.org

Download the Ad Form

If you have any questions, send an email to: ads@voiceschapelhill.org